:Mark-kishon: Christopher.
:Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge &: Plenipotentiary-Judge.
Date: 21st June 2023. Est. Global Reach: 4.1 Billion+
Instructions to our officers & gentlemen of the court.

Copyrights are in all Spectrum of Purple, in all Dimensions and in all Perpetuity~AE~7186~2896~5~GB.
Date: 27th September 2022.
Synopsis of the New Constitution and Principles of Conduct sent to:
Charles Philip Arthur George, King Charles III in his Public and Private Capacity
Camilla Rosemary Shand, Queen Consort in her Public and Private Capacity
Deborah Taylor, Head of the Temple Bar in her Public and Private Capacity
1. All boxes, planes, perukes on this planet, earth, globe etc., under all jurisdictions have been removed and therefor all liars and wrongdoers have zero immunity.
2. All licenses are qualifications of competence and will continue to be fit for purpose.
2.1: All persons are in service of men and women and answerable on demand to all men and women with an autograph and thumbprint.
3. All men and women in their private and public capacity including artificial persons, and legal entities are under the penalty of perjury.
3.1: Artificial persons, legal entities, and actors in the public service are there to serve the public, to serve the people for the good of the people.
4. Misprision Rule of Treason to be educated and understood by everyone directly or indirectly.
5. Parliamentary discretion literally means discretion of a liar.
5.1: Parliament by its own definition and its ACTs are to be disqualified retrospectively
5.2: All Parliamentarians are to be punished for perjury.
6. The Family Courts throughout the Commonwealth are to be:
6.1: shut down immediately,
6.2: placed under full investigation into its role in the trafficking of minors, and its collective bodies and agencies.
7. The language and paperwork generated by the judicial and its officers are guilty of crimes and barbarism against mankind, womankind, and their sentient properties including their sons and daughters.
8. The principle of living in the private is to do no harm. Any people, persons, legal entities doing any harm are:
8.1: subject to judgement and have forfeited all rights.
8.2: to be treated as enemies of the people, states, cooperatives etc., and can never be in the private again.
9. All armed forces throughout the world are to identify and root out the causes of trafficking of minors with whatever agencies necessary and this is to be communicated to the courts all over the world.
10. The North Becton Primary School at Harrier Way, London, E6 5XG is to be demolished immediately.
11. All Commonwealth education providers are to cease:
11.1: any education on transgender subjects / topics in all schools,
11.2: overarching control and grooming over girls and boys regarding gender modification,
11.3: interference of the mental and physical health of girls and boys.
11.4: All the above must be collaborated with education providers worldwide.
12. Education providers from kindergarten to colleges / universities are to educate:
12.1: what unconscionable contracts, legal medicines and medical practices are, and
12.2: the difference between legal medicines and medical practices.
13. The role of the living man and woman is to safeguard the mental, physical and emotional health of their son/s and daughter/s
14. The immediate cease of any practices or operations taking place regarding genital mutilations / surgeries and puberty blockers in the Commonwealth and to collaborate this with all nations.
15. All Pharmaceutical industries as well as Legislative, Executive, and Judicial bodies of the Commonwealth are hereby retrospectively placed under the Penalty of Perjury and have no immunity.
16. All products that are deliberately designed for planned obsolescence are to be outlawed and corrected retrospectively at the cost of the creators.
17. All my clients, students and Live-Life-Claimants listed on my website are:
17.1: not subject to debt i.e. sin and mortgages i.e. death pledges, and
17.2: are with their full powers of attorney.
17.3: All Personages and Barratries are to cease relating to these people.
17.4: All Live-Life-Claims as per: David-wynn: Miller teachings are safeguarded by the Federal-Postal-Court.
Date: 22nd September 2022
Synopsis of the New Constitution and Principles of Conduct sent to:
Louis DeJoy, United States Post Master General in his Public and Private Capacity
Mark Alexander Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in his Public and Private Capacity
Christopher Watson Grady, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in his Public and Private Capacity
Wilton Daniel Gregory, The Archbishop of Washington in his Public and Private Capacity
John E. Upham, Jr, Archbishop of Anglican Province of Christ the King, his Public and Private Capacity
1. All boxes, planes, perukes on this planet, earth, globe etc., under all jurisdictions have been removed and therefor all liars and wrongdoers have zero immunity.
2. The principle of living in the private is to do no harm. Any people, persons, legal entities doing any harm are:
2.1: subject to judgement and have forfeited all rights.
2.2: to be treated as enemies of the people, states, cooperatives etc., and can never be in the private again.
3. Mortgages i.e., death pledges and such instruments are unconscionable contracts.
3.1: The Men & Women mentioned on my website: https://www.mkchristopher.com/federalpostalcourtcases are to be compensated by the members prospectively in each country
3.2: These money compensations are to come exclusively from your Member's Central Banks.
3.3: The money compensations are never to be transferred on to the people or any other bodies or created by quantitive easing or fractionalization, etc.
3.4: The liability has to be 100% on the Member Central Bank.
4. To collaborate with all armed forces throughout the world are to identify and root out the causes of trafficking of minors with whatever agencies necessary and this is to be communicated to the courts all over the world.
5. All education providers are to cease:
5.1: any education on transgender subjects / topics in all schools,
5.2: overarching control and grooming over girls and boys regarding gender modification,
5.3: interference of the mental and physical health of girls and boys.
5.4: All the above must be collaborated with education providers worldwide.
6. The role of the living man and woman is to safeguard the mental, physical and emotional health of their son/s and daughter/s
7. The immediate cease of any practices or operations taking place regarding genital mutilations / surgeries and puberty blockers in the United States of America and to collaborate this with all nations.
8.Instruct all educators what unconscionable contracts, legal medicines and medical practices are, the difference between legal medicines and medical practices.
8.1: Promote awareness of the ill-effects of what gender dysphoria is, its causes, and bring it to stop immediately.
9. All production / manufacturing and distribution of adrenochrome is to immediately stop, all supplies seized and destroyed.
9.1: The people and the organizations i.e., companies, etc, are to be arrested, and appropriate sentences are to be carried out under the principal of barbarism.
9.2: This must be communicated to all branches of the military across all nations and all countries.
Date: 22nd September 2022.
Synopsis of the letters sent to First Lord of Treasury & Lord President of the Privvy Council.
The following have been serviced and are agents in matters outlined below:
• Mary Elizabeth Truss, First Lord of the Treasury, in her Public and Private Capacity
• Penelope Mary Mordaunt, Lord President of the Privvy Council, in her Public and Private Capacity
1. All boxes, planes, perukes on this planet, earth, globe etc., under all jurisdictions have been removed and therefor all liars and wrongdoers have zero immunity.
2. All licenses are qualifications of competence and will continue to be fit for purpose.
2.1: All persons are in service of men and women and answerable on demand to all men and women with an autograph and thumbprint.
3. All men and women in their private and public capacity including artificial persons, and legal entities are under the penalty of perjury.
3.1: This includes but not limited to; government officers, police officers, judiciaries, officers of the court, lords spiritual and temporal, cooperatives, corporations, judges, lawyers, solicitors, ministers, first secretaries, permanent secretaries etc.
4. Misprision Rule of Treason to be educated and understood by everyone directly or indirectly.
5. Parliamentary discretion literally means discretion of a liar. Parliament by its own definition is disqualified.
Date: 14th September 2022
Synopsis of the letter sent to three Chiefs of Army, Navy and Airforce in India who have been serviced and are agents in matters outlined below:
Radhakrishnan Hari Kumar, Chief of the Naval Staff, in his Public and Private Capacity
Manoj Pande, Chief of the Army Staff in his Public and Private Capacity
Vivek Ram Chaudhari, Chief of the Air Staff in his Public and Private Capacity
1. All Chiefs are to diligently study the method of parse and syntax as a priority.
2. All Chiefs will be given the method of learning how to read and write in correct-sentence-structure-parse-syntax-grammar which will be compulsory to help in the Corona Period / Golden Age.
3. The order of operation is to establish a level-plane of congruence, where all men, women and all artificial persons are under the penalty of perjury.
4. Once Quantum Grammar education has been established and qualified, communication will be made through Quantum Grammar.
5. This is the beginning of establishing: David-wynn: Miller’s language technology as a standard of mathematical accuracy.
5.1: The three chiefs of the armed forces are to aid, help and do whatever is necessary to assist with this task.
6. All other people of the world including all branches of government, cooperatives, corporations, judiciaries, legislative, and executives are to be trained through the Tricks & Traps University Program – https://www.mkchristopher.com/.
6.1: The three chiefs are to assist in this matter.
Date: 19th May 2022.
Synopsis of the instruction sent to Archbishop of Canterbury & Archbishop of Westminster.
Justin Portal Welby – Archbishop of Canterbury
Vincent Gerard Nichols – Archbishop of Westminster
1. Are to immediately inform all public officers, that they are under the Penalty of Perjury and they are to
answer back all questions asked by any people with a thumbprint/fingerprint and autograph.
1.1 This includes: Judiciary, Members of Parliament, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, Police,
Corporations, Co-operatives, private people and persons, all religious persons, the Bank of England,
Federal Reserve Bank, European Central Bank and all Central Banks globally
2. Are to immediately announce and broadcast for 91 days that everybody in their public and private
capacity are under the Penalty of Perjury.
2.1. The public people and persons are to be educated on what the true meanings of the words ‘persons’,
‘humans’, ‘man and woman’ and ‘why people’s names are written in all capitals and variant spelling
names i.e. personages?’
3. Clarify and educate the true meaning of the word ‘mortgage’ and that it is a choice whether to have a
death pledge or not.
4. A level-plane is to speak the facts and not to hide behind words and bureaucracies on different planes
and is of utmost importance.
5. : David-wynn: Miller’s Quantum Language Technology moves this planet/globe/earth/world into
positive performance contracts rather than being stuck in the negative.
6. Quantum Grammar and Parse-Syntax-Grammar will be given to you for your education.
Date: 10th May 2022.
Synopsis of the instruction sent to Archbishop of Westminster.
Vincent Gerard Nichols – Archbishop of Westminster
1. To make a Catholic Church building available that has no congregation for training purposes. Building
1.1 be utilised till 2052.
1.2 be used to bring back the faith to mankind
1.3 use for the land and contract and training of: David-wynn: Miller’s Quantum Language Technology.
1.4 be used solely for honourable purposes.
2. All charges, including utilities and repairs to be incurred by the Catholic Church.
3. Are to instruct the Temple Bar that all the people listed on website at http://www.mkchristopher.com
are with their all Powers of Attorney.
3.1. All Personages and Barratries relating to these people are to cease from the day they were
4. The Crown has returned back to the people
Date: 22nd April 2022.
Synopsis of the instruction sent to Bishop of Rome.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio – Bishop of Rome, as agent
1. To make a Catholic Church building available that has no congregation for training purposes. Building
1.1 be utilised till 2052.
1.2 be used to bring back the faith to mankind
1.3 use for the land and contract and training of: David-wynn: Miller’s Quantum Language Technology.
1.4 be used solely for honourable purposes.
2. All charges, including utilities and repairs to be incurred by the Vatican.
Date: 15th March 2022.
Synopsis of the instruction sent to Archbishop of Canterbury & Archbishop of Westminster.
Justin Portal Welby – Archbishop of Canterbury
1. To make a Church of England building available that has no congregation for training purposes.
Building to:
1.1 be utilised till 2052.
1.2 be used to bring back the faith to mankind
1.3 use for the land and contract and training of: David-wynn: Miller’s Quantum Language Technology.
1.4 be used solely for honourable purposes.
2. All charges, including utilities and repairs to be incurred by the Church of England.
3. Are to instruct the Temple Bar that all the people listed on website at http://www.mkchristopher.com
are with their all Powers of Attorney.
3.1. All Personages and Barratries relating to these people are to cease from the day they were
4. The Crown has returned back to the people